New York Times Bestseller
Principles for Dealing with
The ChangingWorld Order
Why Nations Succeed and Fail
- Country Power Index
- Changing World Order Charts
- Big Debt Crises PDF
“A serious contribution and an urgent warning.”Henry Kissinger
“Essential reading to understand our times.”Larry Summers
“After reading this book, you probably won’t see the world the same again.”Hank Paulson
“Important lessons for the US and China today.”Graham Allison
“An astounding, inspiring, and thought-provoking look at the rises and declines of empires.”Jamie Dimon
“This may well be the most important book of the year, if not the decade.”Arianna Huffington
“Ray shows how to learn from history to not repeat the mistakes that lead to the downfall of nations.”Mark Cuban
“An excellent, deeply thoughtful study of what drives the rise and demise of economic cycles and empires”Tim Geithner
“A provocative read... Dalio has identified metrics from history that can be applied to today.”Andrew Ross Sorkin
“Ray Dalio’s latest book should be required reading for everyone. It would be irresponsible not to understand what Ray has laid out, steeped in history, serving as a roadmap for the future.”Mary Erdoes
How does the economy really work?
This simple but not simplistic video by Ray Dalio, Founder of Bridgewater Associates, shows the basic driving forces behind the economy, and explains why economic cycles occur by breaking down concepts such as credit, interest rates, leveraging and deleveraging.
WatchPrinciples for Dealing with The Changing World Order
This new 40-minute animated video shares the key ideas found in Ray’s best-selling book of the same title.
Watch“This knowledge would help everyone as investors and citizens. Watching is a worthwhile 30 minutes investment.”Bill Gates
“Ray Dalio’s ‘Template’ may be unconventional but it casts strong light on how the economy actually works.”Paul Volker
“Forget econ 101. Take a look at the lessons in Dalio 101.”Andrew Ross Sorkin
“Explains macroeconomics in a practical way.”Sal Khan
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Conversations on the Changing World Order
Listen to recent interviews between Ray and Henry Kissinger, Fareed Zakaria, David Rubenstein, and others
Visit Ray's Youtube Channel
Henry Kissinger at Center for Strategic and International Studies
CSIS Trustee and Counselor Henry A. Kissinger and Ray bring together their unique strategic perspectives on statecraft and economies to discuss the state of the world and what lies ahead.
Fareed Zakaria at the Council on Foreign Relations
Fareed and Ray discuss the changing world order, including the international economic environment’s trajectory, the economic and security implications of the current global geopolitical tensions, and lessons from analogous historical periods.
David Rubenstein at the 92nd Street Y
Ray discusses the cycle of economic history in Changing World Order on “The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations.” They cover the rise of China, challenges in cryptocurrency, how meditation enables better decision making, and advice to new investors in light of current events.
Hank Paulson’s Straight Talk Podcast
Ray and the former US Treasury Secretary discuss the current economic situation, US-China relations, and the most important principles for our world leaders.
Michael Moritz at the Commonwealth Club of CA
Ray joins Michael Moritz to discuss five centuries of economic history to better understand current events. They cover the historical role of banking institutions in dealing with debt, rising internal and external conflicts, and the role of knowledge and technology.
CNN Quest Means Business
On CNN “Quest Means Business,” Ray explores the six identifiable stages of a nation’s economic status and why the progression of these stages is predictable but not inevitable. Ray offers practical optimism for the US, if the country is able to do what’s required to remain strong.
Andy Serwer at Yahoo Finance
Ray joins Andy Serwer on Yahoo Finance “Influencers” to discusses the forces behind inflation, how the Us-China standoff will unfold, and how it will affect the global economy.
Lex Fridman Podcast
Ray chats with Lex Fridman about the trajectory of the US’s Big Cycle, rising US-China conflict, Ray’s friendship with Henry Kissinger, and the vulnerabilities of investing in Bitcoin.
Investors Podcast
Ray joins William Green on “The Investor’s Podcast” to talk about Changing World Order and the economic crossroads the US faces. They cover China’s rapid rise, the investing trade-offs with Bitcoin, what it means to be “radically truthful,” and how meditation builds resilience.
WatchAn examination of how the economic machine works
A thought-provoking interview between Ray Dalio and Larry Summers, President Emeritus of Harvard University and former US Treasury Secretary.
Download the podcast through iTunes
How Countries Go Broke

Part 1: Overview of the Big Debt Cycle
Read the Introduction, get an overview of the Big Debt Cycle and learn the mechanics of how it works.
Download the PDF
Part 2: The Archetypical Sequence Leading to Central Banks and Central Governments Going Broke
Read about the final phase of the Big Debt Cycle, when the central government and the central bank both go broke.
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Part 3: Looking Back
Read about how Big Cycle events in history are a foundation for what pertains to us today.
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Part 4: Peeking Ahead
In these chapters, I share my indicators of central government/central bank debt risk and propose a 3%, 3-part solution to the US debt issue
Download the PDFThe Changing World Order

Citations, Bibliography, and Index
Citations, notes, and sources from Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order, along with an index to the book.
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A Deeper Look at Capital Wars
Additional research on capital wars as described in Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order, looking at major historical cases.
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Large Drivers of Life Expectancy Through Time
A quick summary of some of the largest death events in history, as described in Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order.
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Why and How Capitalism Needs to Be Reformed
A look into Ray Dalio’s perspective on capitalism, where and why it is failing, and some thoughts about how it can be reformed to produce better outcomes.
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Paradigm Shifts
Identify the paradigm you’re in, examine if and how it is unsustainable, and visualize how the paradigm shift will transpire when that which is unsustainable stops.
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It’s Time to Look More Carefully at “Monetary Policy 3 (MP3)” and “Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)”
This article is for folks who are interested in economics, especially about how monetary and fiscal policy will work differently in the future.
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Our biggest economic, social, and political issue
The Two Economies: The Top 40% and the Bottom 60%
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Populism: The Phenomenon
This report is an examination of populism, the phenomenon how it typically germinates, grows, and runs its course.
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Productivity and Structural Reform
An in-depth look at productivity and structural reform and what it means for whether countries succeed or fail
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Primer on Universal Basic Income
Universal Basic Income is one of several ideas floating around for dealing with the income/opportunity gap. Dalio is sharing a briefing paper that he and his research team prepared.
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